Providing the Tuggeranong Community with a great sporting environment since 1968
Please select the appropriate link below to register yourself or your child to play AFL with the Tuggeranong Valley Australian Football Netball Club in Season 2025.
male and female players born in 2019 & 2020
male and female players born in 2017 & 2018
male and female players born in 2008 to 2016
female players born in 2007 & 2008
male players born in 2007 & 2008
male and female players born in 2005 or earlier
For age specific information such as game times and training, please select the appropriate age group from the AFL menu.
Click here if you need help registering in the PlayHQ system.

AFL Registration -
Season 2025 NOW OPEN!

Junior Kickstart Program
TVAFNC is committed to providing a fun, friendly and inclusive community environment.
We understand that sport can be expensive.
To assist those families who may need some support in covering expenses for their child/ren we offer the Kick Start Program, to encourage as many children as possible to play sport (AFL or Netball) at our Club.

Senior Player Sponsorship

If you have any questions about:
Junior registration please email juniorregistrar@tuggeranongfc.com.au
Senior registration please email registrar@tuggeranongfc.com.au